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More About Me!

Collaborating today for a better you tomorrow

For what has seemed like a lifetime, I dreamt of becoming a teacher. After graduating with a Masters of Education from Auburn University, creating a classroom environment that fostered a stimulating educational environment while inspiring diverse students to reach their goals was my dream. I quickly realized that while I still supported those dreams and worked hard to create a classroom environment identical to the one aforementioned, I quickly found myself gravitating elsewhere. 

I found that I enjoyed not only the impact that I had on the students that entered my classroom, but I also realized that I truly enjoyed helping others. In the teaching realm, each student was different from the other, therefore I know and understand that each client has a unique story of their own. It is my passion to help others find health coverage that is unique to them with their unique stories, aspirations, and backgrounds. 


Lets collaborate through a free health insurance consultation today to reach a healthier you tomorrow! 

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